For us older folks Hints from Heloise ( refers to those household tricks that saved a carpet from a wine stain or removed gum from your niece’s hair. Essentially the hints were usually a home remedy that was uncommonly simple. Like so many things in life, it’s always EASY when you have the answer. I recently learned that the younger generation calls these types of hints “life hacks” ( Where do you find the hints and hacks for leadership? That one is simple but not so easy. Did you realize the number 1 reason leadership programs fail? Ignoring context! The fastest, easiest way to overcome this barrier – engage a COACH.
The process of personal development and success is founded in knowing your personal mission, why you are here, setting a path starting with goals, and planning for accomplishment. The challenge is, “do you know the difference between accomplishment and activity?” We don’t always have control over each step in the short run but long-term accomplishments are more achievable with patience and help. Since we believe two heads are better than one, especially when one is highly trained and experienced in the process toward success, allow me to suggest a Coach as a “life hack.”
Working with a Coach can help elevate your game and sharpen your skills. Our client recommendations support the research that working with a coach will offer increased productivity and efficiency in your life and business while reducing time spent on ineffective activities. And one more thing, one of the biggest reasons we fail is due to our limitations and mindsets. A Coach can help you uncover those reasons! Your blind spots are your greatest enemy to success because you don’t know they are there. Often we protect our ego by defending the weakness with the inevitable, “Yeah, but…”
If you get squeamish just thinking about this type of connection, we won’t bother trying to change your mind. Quite frankly, if you have doubts, your ROI from coaching will not materialize because of the mindset of doubt. If you are searching for more – for yourself and your organization – this type of development practice could hold you accountableand benefit you in every facet of your life.
As a business professional creating and driving the vision for company progress, do you always have that opportunity to share your concepts in a confidential way? Pro and con lists can only serve you so well. Hashing out difficult decisions with a devil’s advocate is effective but what about the secret agenda you aren’t aware of? Is your internal confidante just a “Yes Man” in disguise? You don’t have to worry about any of this with a great Coach. S/He will “tell you like it is” since you both are working towards common goals and desire the same thing – YOUR SUCCESS!
A coach can help you interpret your strengths and mindsets to be prepared to lead others. You can participate in spirited debates without the emotional hangover. Lastly, don’t kid yourself… it is advantageous to your self-awareness to uncover your blind spots. That’s right, we all have blind spots—unproductive behaviors, based on conditioned mindsets, that are invisible to us but often glaring to others; especially to a trained coach. A coach acts as your guide to better navigate you through the process of self discovery and talent awareness.
Great coaches push you, hold you accountable, and are invested in your success.
I hope you noticed the word “accountable” has been highlighted in this blog. That is simply because our clients tell us THAT is the greatest benefit they receive from an Executive Coach.
What does success look like to you? Where do you turn before you make the edgy decisions?
“A mind that is stretched by new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”
~ Oliver Wendell Holmes